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Born and raised in Jakarta, I never dove in Kepulauan Seribu (Thousand Islands) offshore from Jakarta. So when I returned home as a scientist, I made this short video about the amazing place that Jakartans tend to forget, and how our activities matter. Video: Ramadian Bachtiar.

In 2017, TEDxJakarta had all-female speakers, three of us are scientists! The ocean may look just blue to our eyes, but it has many dimensions if we care to look into it deeper....  

UNESCO Masterclass Series 2018 held at the National Library of Indonesia. Let's talk about climate change and many changes it is bringing to our ocean.

INTAN (2018) is a science documentary film produced by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences' production house or BIT-LIPI on my journey as a paleoceanographer.

Celebrating Women at the Forefront of Conservation at the National Geographic Explorer Festival 2019 in Washington D.C.

National Geographic's Women of Impact documentary captures stories of women breaking barriers across generations. 

Thanks to National Geographic Indonesia for the short movie on natural archives and much more.

A collaboration between LIPI's production house (BIT) dan Quipper on creating edutaintment videos.

© 2019 Intan Suci Nurhati

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